27 September 2011

Mass Culture Contributor: Eric Rodriguez

Mass Culture Vol. 2 includes drawings from guest contributor Eric Rodriguez. More of his work can be found on his tumblr, "Unseen Orifice."

His work tends toward homoerotic and occult themes that would give Rick Santorum disquieting dreams. He is also quite fond of Spinoza.

The Talking Cure

"The Talking Cure," a sketch from 19 Apr '07.

The Unheimlich, the Thanatos urge, the importance of dreams and the subconscious: these are all quite solid, in my opinion. But I find that much of Freud is frankly a lot of blather about cocks and mothers.

06 September 2011

Mass Culture Vol. 2

Mass Culture Vol. 2 is AVAILABLE NOW in a limited edition of 75 copies.

Vol. 2 is unofficially the "cannibalism and dismemberment" issue.

Compared to Vol. 1, Vol. 2 includes:

-Improved graphic design
-Writings about real, fictitious, and metaphorical anthropophagy
-Drawings by someone other than me
-Vapid celebrities appearing to give Nazi salutes
-More pictures of dead people
-More dicks (and taints)

I'll add a necessary reminder that the content is most decidedly not for the squeamish or for children. I won't be held accountable if someone's three-year-old nephew happens to get ahold of a copy and is subsequently traumatized by a morgue photo.

Copies are $5 each + $2 US shipping (email me at lcvonhessen@gmail.com for international rates). Or those in the NYC area can attempt to find me in person and not have to pay for shipping. UPDATE 16 June 2012: Vol. 2 is now sold-out.